This Giveaway Is A Victim of Circumstance
This weekend, I found a great item for the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival. I was so excited to post it.
Isn't it cute?
I put it in a bowl and started carrying it toward the window to get a nice, natural-light picture of it. And then, it fell out of the bowl. This is how it looks now.So, although my husband told me I could do 2 giveaways now (1 for the head, 1 for the rest, and if you're lucky you'd win both), I decided to come up with an alternative.
The new giveaway? $20 deposited in your paypal account. I know it's not very creative, but as I said, it's a victim of circumstance.
To enter, just leave me a comment. (And if you'd like to commiserate with me over the loss of the original giveaway, that'd be great!) You can receive one extra entry each for the following - stumble any post on this blog, tweet the giveaway, subscribe to the A Simple Walk RSS, and/or follow on blogger. Make sure you leave a separate comment for each additional entry. (If you already subscribe and/or follow, just let me know.) Also, if you do not have a blog, please leave your email address so I can contact you if you win.
I'll randomly select one winner on Sunday, February 1st.
And don't forget to stop by the Bloggy Giveaway home to enter thousands more giveaways throughout the week.
It was so cute...but it probably would have just got broken at my house as well...especially when my kids (ages 5, 4, & 2) unload the dishwasher
I love the way you so casually describe what must have been a horrifying moment!
That was really cute. Things like that happen to me, too! Thanks for the give-away.
That is cute, but it being broken would probably happen at my house as well because of my accidental nature.
I'm with Candi - my kids probably would have broken it, too!!
But very cute!!
I have never had a whisk, and boy was that a cute one!
I'm not sure if I'm eligible for the giveaway, this is my first time here. But if I am, I'd love to enter. I found you on the Menu Plan Monday Mr Linky at orgjunkie!
I will be subscribing via Google Reader as well as Twittering this giveaway.
Thank you!
Aw, poor headless whisk! You killed her. Quick, get the super glue. Add some pearls so she feels beautiful. Stand her in a special crock until she is needed to whisk away the night.
Oh man, that whisk is so cute! :(
likesprinkles @ gmail . com
It was so cute, still is I would try to hot glue it together.
My first comment to enter is to say what a huge bummer that is that it broke because it was completely adorable. However I'm sure noone will complain about the $20.00 going into their paypal LOL.
My second comment is for my second chance to win by being a follower of your blog.
Hugs again.
Oh,it was adorable,but it never would have gotten used at my house.I very rarely whisk,I always use a fork.Don't ask me why,I guess cause that is always how my mom did it,lol.I would have hung it on a wall or something,it was too cute to use:)Oh well,count me in for the giveaway,lol.
tmw1223 at gmail dot com
I subscribe via Google reader as blssdmmm1 but contest email is
tmw1223 at gmail dot com
Very creative original idea I am just so sorry it did not work out.
Thanks for this contest though!
sacredmpp @ gmail . com
The whisk was very very cute! I think my wife would have loved it so much. But, hopefully you can save it some how with some glue or something!
Oh, I'm so sorry about that loss! My mother-in-awe collects cute things like that too.
Aw, that's too bad! I have to admit, though, I like the $20 to Paypal better. :-) I love the Pink Friday sales from the Make Mine Pink shops, but it's making my Paypal debt add up!!
That whisk was so cute! Where did you find it?
Oh, well, I could use $20.
Oh no! So cute, I am sorry she bit the dust. Tweet!
Oh, I LOVE that whisk. Sorry to break your heart but thanks for the great alternative.
shawneeh at yahoo(dot)com
Oh what that lovely whisk lady gave up for the name of the Bloggy Carnival!
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
poor whisk!!
I've been wanting to buy some new hair clips for my toddler off of Etsy - I could use this to do so!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Some superglue would fix it right up. That is probably one of the most adorable whisks I have ever seen.
I'm a subscriber
Ooh, that was so cute!
i have never seen a whisk like that would get a special hook on my fridge if i had it
Shucks, I really wanted the lady whisk! Sigh. I guess I can settle for second best ;)
The whisk WAS too cute! LOL
However, money is always a good consolation prize.
I feel your pain! Over the weekend I dropped and broke my favorite mixing bowl. It was one my mom had given me (it had been hers), and had to be 30 years old, but I LOVED it. It was the perfect size and weight. Sigh. Maybe you could glue the head back on? I hate for you to throw it away.
That whisk was adorable. I am wondering where you found it. I don't see stuff like that around here. Thanks for the wonderful alternate prize! :)
That's sad! Maybe crazy glue would re-capitate her - you could glue on a little bit of ribbon or glitter to make a 'necklace'? :)
Thanks for the circumstantial giveaway!
Cash is king :D
And glue is your friend.
The wisk is very cute. If yo usuper glue her, youcan keep it yourself, then you are a winner too! God Bless, Celene
Don't feel bad. I break things all the time. I removed a beautiful vase from my home because I didn't want to break it. It is at my sister's home, safe and sound.
I'm sorry to hear that it's broken! It looks awesome while it was still intact tho!
That was a cute whisk. Maybe you can glue her head back on.
Oh so sad!
Paypal works though!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh no!! What a cute giveaway, too bad shw lost her head. I agree with the first person who said their kids help unload the dishwaher....mine would have broke it too!
paypal money would be great! an excuse to buy more fabric
Ohhhh man....that stinks! It is really cute!
I would love to have a little jingle in Paypal.
Awww.... poor whisk! It was really cute!
It's cute, and it looks like superglue might be able to help it...
Sorry your original prize broke. It's a major bummer when you have something so wonderful and just know it will be a big hit and something bad happens.
And one more thing...MEN!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
Bummer about the wisk, it was cute. If it broke that easily though it wouldn't have lasted that long around my house either.
She was very cute.may she rest in pieces.Thanks for the giveaway!
angelacisco at
Paypal money is a great giveaway!
I follow you.
Im so sorry for your loss!
Oh, poor headless whisk!! :) Thanks for the giveaway!
how funny thanks for your generosity
oh that whisk was so cute! Too bad the head broke off! Thanks for offering up a paypal payment though!
I'm so sorry she broke! :( Thank you for the very kind giveaway though!!
That wisk was so cute! So sorry that happened:)
LOL about the head falling off. I feel that way too some days!
Sorry that happened!
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
sorry it broke it was very cute.
Hey, some super glue is all her poor head needs!
gitrecca at gmail dot com
It's very cute, but I agree, it probably would have broken at my house.
Superglue or monkey glue works great. My favorite 99 cent plastic spatula snapped off the handle, I used monkey glue and it is back in action once again!
I sympathize. This weekend I broke a crockpot my Mom had given me. Not only was it a huge crockpot, but it was a very old one that my Mom had since I was a kid, the thing still worked better than any of the ones I have bought over the years. Sorry for your pain :(
I'm with Southerner! Fix that chick so you can use her!
What a cutie! I think that would be a great gift for the cook that has everything... oh well sorry for your...... loss??
AWWWWWW, that was so cute, I'm sorry it broke!
cute whisk,my kids just broke mine!!
It's so cute!!!!! I'd still want it! LOL Thanks for the giveaway!
Sorry about your whisk woman. It makes a funny post. Cash is still a great prize.
Bloggytime20 (a) yahoo dot com
Poor whisk lady!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I stumbled the giveaway (FluteMom)
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I tweeted (AtHomeWithBooks)
That has to be the cutest wisk ever! Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh, no- how disappointing! She would have been the cutest whisk ever. :)
I'm already following your blog, and I love it! :)
I know it wouldn't last long at my house. We break something at least once a week, but I refuse to use plastic!
sorry about the loss of the whisk :( thanks for the great comment
Yeah, that whisk wouldn't have lasted at my house either! LOL Thanks for hosting the giveaway! We're raising money for our adoption so every penny counts!
Be sure to stop over for my giveaway too!
How sad that her head fell off! Good back up giveaway though, I could use it for so many Etsy shop purchases.
I am a followers now!
Aww, poor lady, and she was so cute, too. I would love her, even in two pieces. thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
Oh, that is a cute whisk! what a shame! But Paypal sounds pretty good too... ;)
I feel bad that your whisk broke..that's so sad.
I subscribed via RSS through google reader.
That was a very cute whisk! Try glueing it back together!
So sorry about your wisk! But thanks for the Paypal giveaway!
That is how I feel most days....running around like a mom with her head cut off. So that item might have been appropriate! LOL
And I am also a follower of your blog! Love it!
Your husband makes me laugh. That's something mine would say. Anyway, the paypal money is a good idea.
I stumbled this post!
Oh poor thing, it was really cute,pink and all!
sandierpastures at gmail dot com
Oh, I'm so sorry over your loss. And ours too. She was so beautiful. Too bad she was badly beaten.
Awww, that's sad, that was really adorable. But like many others have said, I'd probably break it myself anyways!
I stumbled this post!
and just for the record... I feel quite sure I would have taken good care of her. I'm still feeling remorseful over the whole ordeal.
That was such a cute whisk but like DH always tells me "Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff!" Life happens!
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
I'm a blog follower!
I subscribed via Google RSS so I can stay updated on her condition.
Sorry for your loss. :-( I think your husband's idea is funny, although your idea is better! Thanks for a chance to win!
Boo on the breakage! But yea for the replacement giveaway!
That is so sad!! That wisk was so cute!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
clay_walker_fan at yahoo dot com
Aww that is sad.. Cute whisk. That is the kind of thing that happens to me.. lol
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Oh no!! Bummer it was so fun! But I still would love to win the alternative!
the whisk was so cute! thanks for the giveaway
I love your hubbys idea two contests thats cute.
Cute! Too bad you didn't get to really enjoy her!
Thank you for entering me.
I tweeted too
Your poor little headless homemaker! Loved your husband's idea. :)
Sorry about the whisk! Although it makes for a funny story.
that was cute, but we would have broken it on sight!!
Subscriber too.
What a sad fate for such a cute whisk. I can totally see that drop being something I would do (and often do do on a daily basis. I just dropped one phone in the TOILET and now NONE of the phones work!)
I'd like either, maybe you could glue her and pick two names? seems like a lot of us wouldnt mind a glue seam. she'd fit right in at my house.
Bummer, what a cute whisk! I'd love a little extra in my paypal account!
How sad- that was really a beautiful wisk!! I could use the extra cash in my PP account though!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
JLWalden1{at}gmail{dot}com grandma had a similiar whisk (except it was of a Dutch girl) for me to use when I was a kid. I remember how carefully I held it and how scared I was whenever she would tell me I was beating the batter too gently!
lexie.cenni (@)
Yep, that was really cute and would have been fun to win but 20 in paypal is not bad either! Thanks for the chance!
Wherever did you find that? I've never seen anything like that. Too cute.
Come enter my Target GC giveaway!
it was very cute! must of been very upsetting when it broke
sorry about the whisk, it was so cute!
So cute, but as many others have said, between my clumsiness and my daughter, this would have been broken at our house in no time! The paypal giveaway is a great backup plan!
Awesome giveaway thanks for the chance to win! The whisk was very cute! Where did you find it?
Aww...sorry about the whisk. It was so cute!
Aww! So sorry your fun prize broke. It's nice of you to do a contest anyhow.
I am hosting a giveaway for a restaurant gift card. I hope you will come enter!
What a great original prize that would have been :) silly husband, they just don't get it do they?
aw sorry that happened. But who doesn't love free money??
You've been tweeted at
I love the whisk and yes it would have made a great bloggy giveaway but alas paypal works too.... Thanks so much for the AWEsome give-oh-way! audrajjensen (at) msn (dot) com
Could I have $20 and the head? ;0)
RIP dear cute whisk, though you may be broken, you're still missed and appreciated ;)
Thanks so much for the thought you put into this post and prize. Many thanks to you!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Poor whisk lady!
WOW I hope you didn't throw it away I would superglue it on. It is adorable. Maybe your dh will get you a new old one! If you still have it and don't want to glue it back on I could find a home (right here in my house;)
You killed her!!! :) That's a shame. She was really cute.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I think it is adorable (or was adorable lol), but paypal is great too.
It would likely have got broken here too! Kids are always into my stuff! LOL...
With me being a clumsy Mom and having two teenage boys, "cute" things do not last long around here. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! I'd love to win!
That was a great story. I like that $20 Paypal even better.
pkildow at gmail dot com
Krazy Glue! Send it on to me! HA!
I love what you said about still giving away the broken whisk and if you were lucky, you could win both parts. lol Thank you for the giveaway!
That was so funny! It's sad, but it makes a great story. How nice that you decided to participate anyway. :) Thank you for offering this giveaway!
eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com
Poor headless whisk!
Put I'd take the $20 PP in the whisk's honor. No problem.
It was so cute. Sorry that it is broken.
Life must be fun at your house with a great sense of humor like your's and your husband's! ;)
That Wisk Lady reminds me of that one ride at the carnival with the lady in the middle of the ride, lol.
Thanks for the great giveaway and make sure to stop by both of my blogs, I am having 1 giveaway at bella casa news and 18 at Bella Casa Decorating on a Budget (Darnit!). Nothing has broken...yet ;)
Nice to meet you!
I stumbled this post for you :)
Poor whisk girl! But, my homeschool fund could definitely use the 20 paypal bucks.
I'm totally commiserating with you. She was so cute! Well, she's still cute... just without a head. =^)
You could leave the head off and call it "artsy".
so sad! I'm ok with winning $20 bucks though ;) thanks for the great giveaway!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
My heart breaks for Whisky Mama!! Thanks for the chance!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com
Awwww... The whisk was too cute!
Aww. Poor wisk. I can't have nice things due to my 2 yr old. He could've just looked at that wisk wrong and it would've broke.
I'm a first time visitor. I shall visit more often!
Ha Ha. I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune but that is probably what would happen to me too.
I really wanted french fries, finally broke down and got some, hit my brakes for a stoplight and there went my bag. All my french fries all over my dirty car floor.
I can get plenty of french fries for $20
she was adorable! But I'll take the paypal also
What a bummer for that poor little lady. Please enter me in your drawing.
that was uber cute...but LOL at your husband..
That was a really cute whisk. Have to admit it probably wouldn't have lasted long at my house either. Thanks for the giveaway.
It was so cute!! It would have ended up broken at my house too! Thanks for the giveaway!
kport207 at gmail dot com
I became a Follower!
I Stumbled your post about the wet toilet paper. Hysterical!
What a bummer to have it break. I bet you were so disappointed. But your husband is funny with the 2 giveaways! LOL!
scblog at hotmail dot com
I now follow you here.
scblog at hotmail dot com
I stumbled this post.
scblog at hotmail dot com
I tweeted about this with a link on twitter. @RedSoxMommy
scblog at hotmail dot com
That was a cute whisk! Sorry it broke.
What a cute whisk, of course $20 paypal is great too!
Who wouldn't want $20 in the paypal account LOL. However, the whisk would have been a great gift for my oldest who dreams of being a chef and instead of sitcoms she watches the food network! And is addicted to Hells Kitchen and for her 14th birthday asked for cooking stuff and Chef Ramsey's Fast Food's cook book. SO really wish I was entering for that BUT with $20 can get a mini crock pot or something.
OH no, that is too bad about her poor head! The paypal is great though :)
subscribed to rss
Sorry about your loss.:) Thanks for the giveaway!
Aww...poor little whisk She sure was cute...maybe you can try some super glue on her head! Don't feel bad..I am sure I would have done the same thing!
stumbled your blog ~ momof2ballerinas
Tragic and hilarious all in the same moment! LOL
Sorry about the broken whisk - it was adorable, but I think it would have been quickly confiscated by my daughter had I won it anyway! I love your blog (and the food one too, I just discovered it!)
Though sad, that is exactly how I feel some days!
sorry about the whisk. It would have been fun, but we all love paypal. thanks so much for this giveaway.
Sorry for your loss. Guess it was meant to be. If I would have one it, the cats would have broken it anyways.
Ohhhh. That's too bad.
thanks ! hope i win :)
Luckymatt5 AT gmail DOT com
the whisk was cute, but c'est la vie !
She was beautiful! If it is any condolence, she would have broken as soon as she got to my house anyhow. Thanks for the chance to win!
That's very creative! Who can't use $20? Sorry about the head!
That is very sad! But better broken now than shipped through the mail and arriving at its new home broken!
That was so cute. I know if I would have tried to use it it would have ended up broken as well. It would have had to be a decorative piece.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Cute, probably would have broken it myself
LOL - your hubby's comment was great. It was cute, but I fear she still would have lost her head here as well. I know I lost mine already. ;)
What a cute whisk! So, now do you get to glue it back together and use it yourself?
Works for me!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
Sorry for the bad luck - things like that always seem to happen to me!
I think that's an awesome prize!
Bummer! I know that if I had won that, I would have never been able to use it anyway because my little daughter would have played with it until it broke or got lost. I think you should glue it up and use it for yourself! Thanks!
What a cute wisk. Too bad it broke. Thanks for still offering a giveaway!
i've never seen a decorative whisk like cute.
the $20 paypal will work for me though!
come visit me and enter to win $25 to the GAP!
i've already been following you...does that count?
Oh my, that whisk is SO cute! Where did you find it?
Too bad about the whisk. It was really cute. She reminds me of myself. I always lose my head when I'm in the kitchen!
Too bad about the whisk. It was quite cute!
Poor whisk- it was adorable. Thanks for the chance to win.
Cute whisk, too bad it broke!
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