Monday, December 10, 2007

About Me

My name is Kate - welcome to my little corner of the blogoshpere known as A Simple Walk.

I am married to a fantastic man who works hard every day so that I can stay home with our 4 children. The kids are 9, 4, 3 and 1 1/2 (3 girls and 1 boy).

In addition to wiping noses and bottoms, I spend my days homeschooling the kids, cooking from scratch, and forcing myself to step away from the computer. I struggle with procrastination and follow-through on a regular basis. I'm always working on finding new systems of home organization and management that will work for me.

I began this blog in 2005 when I had a 5 year old, and 11 month old and a 2 week old. I desperately needed an outlet to share about my daily struggles and joys of raising two children less than a year apart. I promptly wrote two posts and then that old lack of follow-through reared its head and I stopped.

A few months after that, we disconnected our internet for 2 1/2 years in an attempt to save money. As soon as we were reconnected, my first thought was to get back to blogging. I picked it back up in February, 2008 and I haven't looked back since.

Blogging has introduced me to a wonderful community of women - women that I truly couldn't imagine not having in my life now.

This blog is all about the little things that are part of daily life in my home. I write about the kids and homeschooling, trying to live simply, frugality, cooking from scratch, freezer cooking, and many other things. I also write a lot on my grocery shopping routine (once a month shopping) and our grocery budget ($350/month).

Head over here to get a month-long glimpse into my kitchen.

When I am not on the computer or in the kitchen, I can usually be found playing with my kiddos and hubby or reading. There is usually a cup of coffee in my hand as well.

In addition to A Simple Walk, I also blog at Happy To Be At Home (which I co-founded with Joy of Five Js and Toni, The Happy Housewife) and at my cooking/recipe blog Cooking During Stolen Moments.

You can contact me via email at asimplewalk(at)gmail(dot)com.


Shannon,  1:28 AM  

Hi Kate,
I am new to the world of blog reading. Watching the movie Julie and Julia opened the door for me. (Cute movie by the way.) And my sister who enjoys a fun homeschool blog. Her and I both homeschool our kids too. Your "about" struck a cord with me. I have been looking at different blogs the last few days thinking wow. These women do this?! There is no way I could. I homeschool three! And here you are cooking, teaching, and working to do your best for your family. Good for you. All that to say I really related to what you had to say. Especially the needing a outlet for life's daily challenges. So thanks for writing. I'll be checking back.

A Grammatical Disclaimer

I freely admit to consistently using improper grammar in the following areas:
1. I like run-on sentences.
2. I have a tendency to end sentences with a pronoun. (I really do. I can't help it.)
3. I always seem to use passive voice in my sentences. (See?)

I've been trying to break this habit, unsuccessfully, for years, so now I just accept that as my writing style, and since I'm not writing for grades anymore, I embrace it. (Again, see?)

Hence, I invoke Blogger Artistic License for this blog!

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