Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Packing Snacks

As I'm slowly crossing off things on our countdown to Disney to-do list (5 days and counting...), I'm beginning to pack our suitcases. I like to spread out the packing over a few days whenever possible. I find that it really helps to remember all those little things that usually get forgotten. Also, it's much easier to toss a newly-cleaned article of clothing right into the suitcase than to put it away just to pull it out again in a few days.

While writing my packing list today, I was reminded of a favorite tip my whole family uses whenever we go to Disney World. We pack our own snacks and a few other food items. This is a great way to have a quick breakfast before leaving the room or energy food while at the parks without the extra expense.

The added bonus is that this leaves extra space in our suitcases for souvenirs on the return trip home. Even if I cram something into every possible space in the suitcases, I know we'll have extra room for any goodies that we buy.

This tip definitely applies for any traveling too - not just Disney World. But obviously, I have Disney on the brain right now!

Stop by We Are THAT Family for more Works For Me Wednesday.


JessieLeigh 8:17 AM  

Great tip! Packing your own snacks is always a good idea- particularly in "tourist trap" type places.

On a side-note, I'm not sure how you even got this written and posted. Praying your family is feeling better and stronger each day and can enjoy your get-away!

The Mom 1:53 PM  

We just got back from Disney. We took our own snacks and drinks. Tossed them into a rolling backpack, so it wouldn't be too heavy to carry around. It worked great!

Bree 10:39 AM  

Have a safe and fabulous trip.

Sue 6:27 PM  

I'm so excited for you guys! Say "Hi" to Mickey for me please :-D

Packing your own snacks is a great idea. We tend to do that too, especially when flying, as you always need something yummy to eat en route! They overcharge for snacks in the parks too so it is very wise to take your own with you during the day!

Happy packing :-D

A Grammatical Disclaimer

I freely admit to consistently using improper grammar in the following areas:
1. I like run-on sentences.
2. I have a tendency to end sentences with a pronoun. (I really do. I can't help it.)
3. I always seem to use passive voice in my sentences. (See?)

I've been trying to break this habit, unsuccessfully, for years, so now I just accept that as my writing style, and since I'm not writing for grades anymore, I embrace it. (Again, see?)

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