Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gearing Up & Heading Out

Bright and early tomorrow morning, the kids and I are hitting the road for Chicago. We'll be celebrating Alex's birthday and my grandma's birthday with a small family party tomorrow night. And on Thursday morning, I'll kiss the kiddos good-bye, wish my mom and dad luck, and head off to BlogHer.

Needless to say, things might be a little sparse around here the next few days. Hopefully I'll have lots of great stories, tips and photos to share after the weekend. I'll be reminding myself to take pictures since I really regretted not having more after Blissdom.

Will I be seeing any of you over the weekend?


Sue 9:11 PM  

Have a safe trip Kate and have tons of fun. Can't wait to hear about your conference :-D

Happy Bday to Alex and your Grandma too!

A Grammatical Disclaimer

I freely admit to consistently using improper grammar in the following areas:
1. I like run-on sentences.
2. I have a tendency to end sentences with a pronoun. (I really do. I can't help it.)
3. I always seem to use passive voice in my sentences. (See?)

I've been trying to break this habit, unsuccessfully, for years, so now I just accept that as my writing style, and since I'm not writing for grades anymore, I embrace it. (Again, see?)

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