Thursday, February 11, 2010

Half Birthday...Double The Fun

Saturday is Isabelle's half birthday. We are most definitely not in the habit of celebrating, or even acknowledging, half birthdays. But it's a little different this year.

This year, Isabelle has a nice group of new friends that she did not even know on her birthday. And chances are we'll be moved into a new house in a different school district by the time her actual birthday rolls around again.

Photo by ginny_j

So Eric and I made the decision to splurge a bit and throw her a half birthday party. Why not, right? It's something she'll remember for years to come. And being the oldest child, she certainly deserves being splurged on a bit.

On Saturday afternoon, 5 girls will get dropped off at our house. They'll be whisked off to a salon for manicures followed by a nice dinner out. Then we'll come back home for dessert, snacks, movies and all sorts of sleepover fun. In the morning, I'm planning to make a breakfast of halves. (Half a breakfast pizza...half slices of bacon...half cinnamon rolls...half ??? I'm open to any other breakfast half suggestions!)

I think Eric and I are almost as excited as Isabelle. It's such a treat for us to splurge on her like this. Plus, we get to use some of our trade dollars that have been silently building up, just waiting for an occasion like this.

While I never thought I'd say this, I have to admit that a half birthday party can definitely be a finer thing!

Don't forget to stop by Amy's for more Finer Things Friday.


Angie @ Many Little Blessings 11:09 PM  

I'm sure that Isabelle will have a blast! Molly had her first birthday party with friends this past year and loved it!

Goat Gal 12:56 AM  

That is going to be such a special memory in years to come. Way to go!

Anonymous,  7:35 AM  

What a wonderful Mommy and Daddy to realize that she would want to celebrate with her new friends. Sounds like an amazing time!

Amy @ Finer Things 10:59 AM  

How fun! Sounds like a little girl's dream party. :)

Jennifer 12:37 PM  

that sounds like fun! We always celebrate their 100th birthday - month that is. It is a surprise until we bring out the cake and the kids all love it.

UnfinishedMom 9:07 PM  

What fun! We celebrate 1/2 birthdays all the time at our house because both our children were born on Holidays - one on Halloween and the other on Christmas.

The Christmas child definitely gets a bigger deal for the 1/2 birthday.

A Grammatical Disclaimer

I freely admit to consistently using improper grammar in the following areas:
1. I like run-on sentences.
2. I have a tendency to end sentences with a pronoun. (I really do. I can't help it.)
3. I always seem to use passive voice in my sentences. (See?)

I've been trying to break this habit, unsuccessfully, for years, so now I just accept that as my writing style, and since I'm not writing for grades anymore, I embrace it. (Again, see?)

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