Friday, May 29, 2009

Weekend Linkage - The Short But Sweet Edition

Well, I spent the day ironing and packing enough clothes to last 7 weeks, not 7 days. But at least I know we'll be prepared no matter what the weather brings while we are at my parents' house. We don't leave until Sunday but I wanted to finish most of the work today so that we can all go out and do something fun tomorrow.

Needless to say, I'm a little spent tonight and hoping to go to bed a bit earlier than usual. So that's why this is a short but sweet linkage list. I hope you enjoy these links as much as I did!

  • Are you ready for the Ultimate Homeschool Expo? It begins on Monday, June 1. The list of speakers for this year is fantastic! And I was so excited to see that there are kids classes being presented this year as well. I remember hearing all the buzz about the expo last year. The thing I'm excited about with this is that all of the recordings are available after the expo is over too. Since we'll be out of town next week, that works perfectly for me!
  • Sarah spent 2 weeks on an inner-city missions trip. Her post, Things I Learned While Camping In The Hood, was touching and eye-opening. Definitely recommended reading.
Okay, this is going to be a bit shorter than I had planned. I just realized why I meant to start this post on Monday and leave it in drafts, adding links to it throughout the week. After sitting here for an hour, sorting through notes on my desk and different bookmarked posts, I've given up. I know there were 3 more posts that I specifically wanted to share, but I guess they'll just have to wait for another time.

Sue asked if I'll have internet access while in Chicago. The answer to that is yes. I plan to blog daily, but we'll see how that goes. So don't hold me to anything, okay?

And since my post is so lacking, if you've read a good post (or written one yourself) this week that you'd like to share, leave it in the comments so we can all go take a look.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tracey 10:14 PM  

Here's my post from today celebrating my oldest daughter's last day of 2nd grade!

Goat Gal 12:37 AM  

Oh I am so excited to be in your linkage! Thank you Kate! I wanted to call attention to Like a Warm Cup of Coffee. Sarah Mae has posted a great article on submission.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend 5:14 PM  

Just blog hopping today and enjoyed reading your blog...I am posting on our Disney trip so hope you will stop by. Also, the June giveaway starts today...all comments left in June will be in the drawing for the "June Card Box"! You will have to go down a few posts to read about the monthly giveaway. Happy Sunday!

Sue 10:28 AM  

Hope you had a safe trip to your folks! Enjoy your week and I promise I won't hold you to blogging if you don't hold me to it as well this week while I'm away too - hee hee


Unknown 1:02 PM  

thanks for linking to Sarah's post... I live in the inner city of New Orleans (in the hood) and am looking for ways to minister in my neighborhood and community. I'll hop over and check it out!

A Grammatical Disclaimer

I freely admit to consistently using improper grammar in the following areas:
1. I like run-on sentences.
2. I have a tendency to end sentences with a pronoun. (I really do. I can't help it.)
3. I always seem to use passive voice in my sentences. (See?)

I've been trying to break this habit, unsuccessfully, for years, so now I just accept that as my writing style, and since I'm not writing for grades anymore, I embrace it. (Again, see?)

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