Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Tomorrow Isabelle turns 10. I'm at a cross roads between feeling excited for all that is to come and sad that the time has flown by so quickly. Seriously...10? How is that even possible?

Here are 10 random facts about our oldest child on her tenth birthday.

  1. Isabelle is a weather junkie. She easily spends hours on the computer every day checking the weather, reading about the weather, and mapping out the weather for the entire world. She knows the name of every cloud formation. It's like have our own personal weather girl.
  2. She loves to read. She typically reads for 3 hours every night before bed. She has at least 3 books being read at any given time.
  3. She loves trivia and interesting facts. She would make an awesome Jeopardy! contestant some day.
  4. She has a very entrepreneurial spirit and is always dreaming up things she can sell or services she can provide to make money.
  5. She is my best helper and right hand! She can't wait to be given full control of breakfast and lunch duties.
  6. She loves to blog! Eric and I love to read her blog because she is funny! If you need a laugh or just a great read, you really should stop by and pay her a visit.
  7. She is worshiped by her brother and sisters. In return, she is a great big sister that only loses her patience with them about 90% of them. But they love her, and she loves them.
  8. Isabelle is a pack rat. She keeps everything from scraps of paper to no longer working pens and markers. We're working on this and it has gotten much better as she's gotten older, but she still holds on to a LOT of stuff!
  9. She says "you're crazy" about a thousand times a day.
  10. She is tall, skinny and stunning. She has long, long legs and long, long hair. Eric would be happy if she stayed 10 for quite a while yet.
Happy Birthday Isabelle!


Michele @ Frugal Granola 12:11 AM  

Happy Birthday, Isabelle! :)

She sounds like such a fun girl; you're a great mama, Kate! :)


Mikki 8:33 AM  

What a precious precious post!!
Happy Birthday to her!!

Taryn 1:21 PM  

Happy Birthday Isabelle!

Sue 4:32 PM  

What a beautiful post for a beautiful girl! Happy Birthday Isabelle! (That was my Grandma's name... Isabella actually)

Hope she has a wonderful day full of blessings.

A Grammatical Disclaimer

I freely admit to consistently using improper grammar in the following areas:
1. I like run-on sentences.
2. I have a tendency to end sentences with a pronoun. (I really do. I can't help it.)
3. I always seem to use passive voice in my sentences. (See?)

I've been trying to break this habit, unsuccessfully, for years, so now I just accept that as my writing style, and since I'm not writing for grades anymore, I embrace it. (Again, see?)

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